Globe of Death Act
Our globe of death acts can be hired for carnivals and corporate entertainment, festival entertainment and arena attractions. These crazy stunt shows are sure to have the audience holding their breath, as the motor bikes race around inside the mess globe at high speeds.
Some of our globe acts can have up to 9 stunt riders, racing at any one time. We also have the globe of death that we call the splitter. These globes split in two, leaving a gap in-between, as the stunt riders race around the top and the bottom of the globe.
To book the globe of death stunt show, contact us today.
Circus Act 00597
Globe of Death Act
Circus Act 00681
Globe of Death, High Wire, Wheel of Death and Aerial Hoop Act
Circus Act 00760
Globe of Speed, Wheel of Death and High Wire Act
Circus Act 00768
Globe of Death Act